Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent hendrerit fermentum urna, convallis varius tellus pellentesque id. Morbi interdum mi ligula, vitae congue augue finibus ac. Sed ligula mauris, porttitor faucibus mauris et, egestas iaculis leo.

For the Law&Liberty website, the first task of our design team was coming to grips with the wealth of material to organize it by genre and understand its editorial complexity. The Law & Liberty editors provided a masterclass in their publishing philosophy, which we allowed to guide and shape the facets we trailblazed: the Daily Digest, which distilled the freshest content to email subscribers, the Forum, which counterposed contributing authors, and the Podcast, a series of interviews with editor Richard Reinsch. We then detailed the website architecture to display every facet of Law & Liberty’s output.

To see more of this project, visit the L&L website

Law & Liberty is one of the most diverse and scholarly online publications of the American right. Translating its wealth of competing ideas and intellectual capital into something attractive and readable—without descending into “blog-style” chaos—required a focal point. At one of our signature brand retreats, we discovered the key to unlocking this concept. The inherent conflict between the law and human liberty is resolved in discourse, so the website’s design made writing and even lettering paramount. Now, readers can easily make their way through a diverse array of topics, seizing upon discussions that pique interest before diving deep.

For the Law&Liberty website, the first task of our design team was coming to grips with the wealth of material to organize it by genre and understand its editorial complexity. The Law & Liberty editors provided a masterclass in their publishing philosophy, which we allowed to guide and shape the facets we trailblazed: the Daily Digest, which distilled the freshest content to email subscribers, the Forum, which counterposed contributing authors, and the Podcast, a series of interviews with editor Richard Reinsch. We then detailed the website architecture to display every facet of Law & Liberty’s output.

To see more of this project, visit the L&L website

For the Law&Liberty website, the first task of our design team was coming to grips with the wealth of material to organize it by genre and understand its editorial complexity. The Law & Liberty editors provided a masterclass in their publishing philosophy, which we allowed to guide and shape the facets we trailblazed: the Daily Digest, which distilled the freshest content to email subscribers, the Forum, which counterposed contributing authors, and the Podcast, a series of interviews with editor Richard Reinsch. We then detailed the website architecture to display every facet of Law & Liberty’s output.

To see more of this project, visit the L&L website

For the Law&Liberty website, the first task of our design team was coming to grips with the wealth of material to organize it by genre and understand its editorial complexity. The Law & Liberty editors provided a masterclass in their publishing philosophy, which we allowed to guide and shape the facets we trailblazed: the Daily Digest, which distilled the freshest content to email subscribers, the Forum, which counterposed contributing authors, and the Podcast, a series of interviews with editor Richard Reinsch. We then detailed the website architecture to display every facet of Law & Liberty’s output.

To see more of this project, visit the L&L website

For the Law&Liberty website, the first task of our design team was coming to grips with the wealth of material to organize it by genre and understand its editorial complexity. The Law & Liberty editors provided a masterclass in their publishing philosophy, which we allowed to guide and shape the facets we trailblazed: the Daily Digest, which distilled the freshest content to email subscribers, the Forum, which counterposed contributing authors, and the Podcast, a series of interviews with editor Richard Reinsch. We then detailed the website architecture to display every facet of Law & Liberty’s output.

To see more of this project, visit the L&L website